Challenger: Whence
comest thou?
Zelator: From
the East, the place of Light.
Challenger: What
didst thou see in the place of Light?
Zelator: That
which is Below and Above.
Challenger: Whence
goest thou?
Zelator: To
the West, in search of Love.
Challenger: Thou
must first be in perfect silence.
Zelator: [Sign
of Silence].
Challenger: Thou
must see and move on thy own.
Zelator: I
do and will.
Challenger: Thou
must see thyself.
Zelator: I
Challenger: Who
will bare witness to the accomplishments?
Endorser: I
do and I will.
Challenger: Then
I the Guardian of the Palace, hereby grant thee entrance
to the West, that ye may seek Love. Know ye that
entrance to the next grade will not be granted until
thou hast been received by invitation (if
notified of a motto change, add: “That
thou mayest be known in this court by the Initiated, ye
shall herein be called (motto).”).
Practicus: Do
what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
All Assembled: Love
is the law, love under will.