“It is impossible to use the Goetia and not summon the
spirits contained therein. Getting them to leave you alone is
another matter entirely.” |
The Adept may throw open the gates of Hell and travel through
the atrocities without concern or molestation by the creatures
of the pit. Likewise, the Adept may ascend to the complete
intoxication of the highest heavens; yet retain the sense of
self. So it is that the Philosophus must prove to him or herself
that one type of strength does exist in sufficient quantity and
quality to justify their transmutation into that which is gold.
The approved method, being the practical operations of the
Goetia, not only provides proof that such strength exists, but
also completes the minimum training required in the creation of
Talismans and the workings of Evocation.
There is a massive amount of adaptation possible with all of the
Goetic material, but it is strongly recommended that the
Philosophus change nothing.
Let the Philosophus, as regards the tools, talismans, sigils,
and seals required, construct them as close to the
specifications as possible.
Let the ceremonial components be retained in the format
provided, and this especially concerning the spirit and god
names included therein.
Let the protective measures be of greatest concern and every
skill possessed employed in establishing such measures.
The Philosophus should be ready for any possible break in the
physical, mental or spiritual protective measures, and must be
capable of thwarting any infection, obsession or possession by
the spirits with which he or she conjures. Such is the measure
of strength that should be within one who claims to dwell within
the house of Victory.
Let the Philosophus who is unconvinced of his or her strength in
these matters, re-secure all that has been attained, identifying
the lacking qualities and deal with them on the lowest, that
these then may rise to the highest.
Should the worst possible result occur, seek assistance, for
this would be pre-planned by any diligent Philosophus before
commencing such operations.